Michael Erives
Born and raised in Southern California, Michael spent his young adult years growing up in Los Angeles, California. He fell in love with Palm Springs during high school, when he and friends would take road trips to the desert and have the time of their lives laying by the beautiful pools and hiking the nearby trails. Michael grew to appreciate the deserts landscape and the beauty of the people who lived here. He has seen Palm Springs grow and evolve for over 30 years and is proud to call it his home.After high school Michael attend and graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Business Finance. USC and a major in Finance helped him understand business and dealing with the finance involved in real estate transactions. He has been involved in both residential and commercial real estate for over a decade. Making the deal happen is what truly gets him excited about selling real estate.Growing up in a culturally diverse household, Michael learned to speak both English and German fluently. His love of real estate turned into a career when he joined Leaskou Partners in Palm Springs.Michael prides himself on getting the right fit for his clients. He goes through an extensive process to completely understand their needs, desires and lifestyle. Finding out all of this information helps him search out the right home and the best deal possible for his clients. When Michael is not representing clients in real estate transactions, he enjoys travel, running, hiking and spending time with friends and family. He believes as residents of this great city, it is our responsibility to represent Palm Springs in the best light possible. Michael takes pride in his town and the community he serves.